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ago almost 10y
Perceptions of Chelyabinsk
What images come to your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Results are available only to the author
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am not familiar with this image
Does this image match the ideas that come to your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, this image is unfamiliar to me
Does this image match the ideas that arise in your mind at the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind at the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, this image is unfamiliar to me
Does this image match the ideas that come to your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, this image is unfamiliar to me
Does this image match the representations that arise in your mind at the mention of Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, this image is unfamiliar to me
Does this image match the ideas that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not related to Chelyabinsk for me
No, I am unfamiliar with this image
Does this image match the representations that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I think of Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, this image is unfamiliar to me
Does this image match the perceptions that arise in you at the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind at the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, this image is unfamiliar to me
Does this image match the ideas that come to your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, this image is unfamiliar to me
Does this image match the representations that arise in your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, this image is unfamiliar to me
Does this image match the ideas that arise for you at the mention of Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is exactly what comes to mind at the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not related to Chelyabinsk for me
No, this image is unfamiliar to me
Does this image match the ideas that come to your mind when you hear the word Chelyabinsk?
Yes, this is precisely what comes to mind when I hear the word Chelyabinsk
No, this image is not associated with Chelyabinsk for me
No, this image is unfamiliar to me