Perceptions on Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan ahead of the 2023 election

What are the biggest criticisms of Erdogan's leadership, and how has he responded to them?

  1. Horseshit
  2. Inflation, lira dropped down, economy crashdown
  3. The Turkish government usually blocks negative comments from its citizens, which is inappropriate and authoritarian.
  4. idk
  5. Even though he is a good rhetorician, in the praxis he has been not so successful at all. And he has been not open for criticism.
  6. Authority extrimism
  7. He doesn't respond to criticism. Erdogan has been criticized of expanding authoritarianism, undermining democratic institutions, and crushing political opposition. Critics claim that his government has curtailed journalistic freedom, eroded judicial independence, and harassed dissenters
  8. I don't know
  9. Erdogan's leadership style has had a significant impact on his popularity in Turkey. On one hand, his supporters view him as a strong and decisive leader who has successfully navigated the country through a period of political and economic instability. They credit him with modernizing Turkey's infrastructure, expanding access to healthcare and education, and improving the country's standing on the global stage.