Place brand development solutions: Kaunas city case


I am a postgraduate Marketing Management student at Kaunas University of Technology. Currently, I am conducting research about the development solutions for the Kaunas city brand (example below). Please fill out this questionnaire by answering all the questions.

Every answer is very important to the ongoing research. The survey is anonymous; your responses are confidential and will only be used for summarizing statistical results.

Thank you for participating in this survey!

Place brand development solutions: Kaunas city case
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

1. Please evaluate propositions about familiarity with the Kaunas city brand

Strongly agree
Slightly agree
Strongly disagree
I have seen the Kaunas city brand before.
I frequently notice the Kaunas city brand.
I would like to see the Kaunas city brand more often.
I always notice the Kaunas city brand.
I think that the Kaunas city brand is known in Lithuania.
I think that the Kaunas city brand is known in foreign countries.

2. Please evaluate propositions about Kaunas city brand identity elements.

Strongly agree
Slightly agree
Strongly disagree
I think that the Kaunas city brand, which consists of different bands that intertwine with each other, reflects Kaunas city identity.
The Kaunas city brand is attractive.
I like the Kaunas city brand.
The yellow color associates with: music, art, entertainment, and modern culture.
The blue color associates with: business, science, technologies, innovation, infrastructure.
The red color associates with: history, traditions, literature, heritage, gastronomy.
The green color associates with: nature, a healthy lifestyle, sport, and recreation.
I think that the colors of the Kaunas city brand are suitable to represent different lifestyles in the city.
The blue wave in the Kaunas city brand symbolizes the Nemunas and Neris rivers.
The Kaunas city brand slogan “Kaunas sharing” reflects Kaunas city as a culture of sharing, business, history, sport, information, etc.
The Kaunas city brand slogan “Kaunas sharing” can be easily adapted to a different context.

3. Please evaluate propositions about the Kaunas city brand.

Strongly agree
Slightly agree
Strongly disagree
The Kaunas city brand complies with my expectations about the city.
The Kaunas city brand raises positive emotions for me.
The Kaunas city brand is easily understood.
The Kaunas city brand reflects Kaunas city values.
I think that the Kaunas city brand helps to memorize Kaunas city.
I think that the Kaunas city brand is fully complete.
I think that the Kaunas city brand is suitable for Kaunas city.
I evaluate the Kaunas city brand positively.
I think that the Kaunas city brand properly represents Kaunas city.
I think that the Kaunas city brand is likable by Lithuanians and visitors from abroad.
I think that the Kaunas city brand helps to attract more visitors.
I think that the Kaunas city brand is communicated properly.
I think that the Kaunas city brand will not be changed.
I think that the Kaunas city brand will be used in the future.

4. Your gender?

5. Your age?

Your education?

You are?