Political Discourse in YouTube Comments Sections

Hello. Do you often engage in or at least observe political discussions in YouTube comments sections? I would like to invite you to a basic, short poll regarding your experience in this.

I am a sophomore student at the Kaunas University of Technology pursuing a bachelor's degree in humanitarian sciences. I am conducting research on political discourse in YouTube comments sections. The answers you provide will be greatly beneficial to my research project in this particular field; therefore, you have a chance to participate as an important factor in a sociopolitical study.

Keep in mind that your participation in this survey is strictly voluntary, and the answers you provide are entirely anonymous except for certain broad demographic characteristics you will be asked to answer. You may withdraw from this survey at any time. If you have further questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Thank you for your participation!

Political Discourse in YouTube Comments Sections
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

What is your current age? ✪

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What is your gender? ✪

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What is your nationality? ✪

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What is (are) your occupation(s)? ✪

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How often do you watch political videos on YouTube? ✪

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How often do you comment on political videos on YouTube? ✪

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Have you ever participated in a political argument in a YouTube comments section? ✪

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What type of political YouTube comments do you think you generally see more often? ✪

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Rate these statements about political YouTube comments on a strength scale based on your own personal experience: ✪

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Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neutral/not sure
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
Toxicity and disrespect in political YouTube comments sections are continuously increasing (compared to years ago)
Antagonizing other people because of their opinions (e.g. "cancel culture") destroys constructive discourse
YouTube's moderation and censorship policies are helpful in maintaining constructive political discourse
YouTube comments sections are generally a good source of political information and news

What do you think should be changed about current moderation policies regarding YouTube political comments? ✪

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Which of these statements do you think is closest to your current perspective on getting information from YouTube political comments? ✪

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Please provide your feedback on this poll or if you would like to share a relevant thought. REMINDER: answers are anonymous!

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