Post-school Educational Provision (for academic staff)

What do you believe are the main concerns for prospective students, and what may prevent them from entering higher education?

  1. High minimum requirements, the need to pass relevant state matriculation exams to obtain a state-funded place
  2. Weak knowledge of secondary education and high tuition fees.
  3. the main concerns for students would be access to information in regard to their course, and gaining the relevant certificates to apply for higher education
  4. Job and career opportunities after graduation; high tuition fees
  5. Its too hard and too expensive
  6. not knowing what to choose
  7. The main concerns outlined above and a question of trust. young people do not trust.
  8. Financial barriers
  9. ar gebės studijuoti, ar pakas išlaidų studijoms.
  10. The ever increasing price of education as well as the pressure to perform. Not forgetting the lack of certain work opportunities in highly competative fields.