Post-school Educational Provision (for academic staff)

What do you believe are the main concerns for prospective students, and what may prevent them from entering higher education?

  1. The rising requirements for admission to higher education institutions and the relatively average results of the state matriculation exams of graduates
  2. Relevance of course to current and future industry requirements and subsequent employment opportunities. Also, cost of financing the academic process and future repayments.
  3. The biggest concern is the tuition fees, and the uncertainty about the state-funded place in the program
  4. I feel that colleges within this country need to realign current course offerings to the employment sector instead of simply looking to fill courses. Courses should link directly with 'actual jobs' and learners are starting to recognize that this is not always the case. The high number of learners actually leaving college and then NOT going into employment for which they have been trained is a concern for all.
  5. Reikia nuolatinių pajamų, reiškiasi turi ieškotis darbo ir tik šalia darbo rinktis studijas, taip pat nežinomybė ką norėtų studijuoti, neteisingi mokykloje pasirinkti dalykai, egzaminai.
  6. Financial issues Geographical position Lack of motivation Bad results at school