Post-school Educational Provision (for academic staff)

What could be done to reduce the costs of higher education to students?

  1. Allocate more funded places, as some study programs are not funded at all
  2. Consideration given to more college and university-industry partnerships and reduction in length of programmes. Evolution of in-work training and educational opportunities.
  3. To provide greater discounts on educational tools with a student ID
  4. At present I am unsure of what we could do to reduce the amount of student loans learners have. However it may well be the case that by forging stronger links with employers and delivering 'Employment Training' that links directly to work experience with said Employers we could create a 'Learn while you Earn' model of education. This may well see fewer learners within the college sector but would in turn ensure that the learning experience is authentic and not without merit.
  5. Jei būtų galima fantazuoti, tai galbūt būtų galima parengti šiek tiek kitokias studijų programas ir leisti dėstytojams vesti paskaitas daugiau pačiose įmonėse, žinoma, tam reikėtų rasti partnerius, tačiau galima būtų suderinti praktinius užsiėmimus su teoriniais, kurie būtų organizuojami įmonėse, juk ten yra ir konferencijų salės ir reali darbo vieta, taip galbūt galima būtų sumažinti patalpų išlaikymo sąnaudas, taip pat šaltuoju sezono metu daryti daugiau mokymąsi ir darbą mišriuoju būdu.
  6. Scholarships Financial aid from government Easy bank loans with certain exceptions for students Education for free