Post-school Educational Provision (for academic staff)

Do you consider that it is possible or desirable to move away from the traditional academic year structure and course duration?

  1. Yes
  2. Yes, as historically courses are designed to fit around this concept rather than what is the optimum for delivery of a meaningful learning experience.
  3. No
  4. Absolutely. This would link into the point above where learners would engage directly with industry and in doing so fall into a similar working pattern as the Employers involved in the programs. To move away from the traditional 'School Based model of delivery learners would again take that vital step away from school life and enter into the World of Work learning soft skills along the way. Again this would provide a more authentic industry specific experience encouraging learners to grow and learn through continued Project based learning.
  5. Manau, kad galima, tačiau reikia keisti visą studijų planą, ieškoti kitų, naujų būdų, taip pat peržiūrėti švietimo įstatymus, kiek turima laisvės keitimams.
  6. I do. it can be done in summers, during the work holidays, evening, weekends, etc.