Post-school Educational Provision (for academic staff)

What are the new courses and subject areas that should be developed?

  1. Innovations and their practical application
  2. IT, Electronics and Electric Vehicle Maintenance in addition to new programmes to allow rapid retraining in skilled trades.
  3. I don’t know
  4. There are many subject areas that should be developed including Virtual Teaching Positions, Coders, Virtual Reality Specialists, Green Industry Specialists working on Green Energy Projects. We are already seeing large organization's such as Iberdrola/ Scottish Power creating their own Employment Programs providing in house training for 'Jointers and Fitters' as they create the infrastructure required for a more sustainable future. We need also to concentrate on the development of current courses with examples being Construction where we need highly skilled engineers to fit new electric boilers to replace the dated gas boilers that we currently use. In the automotive industry we need to start offering Engineering Courses that look at the development of EV Vehicles and
  5. related to IT, finances, online courses, refusing manual work, etc.