Public Perception of Kanye West

Welcome! I kindly invite you to take part in my survey on the public perception of Kanye West.

My name is Rugilė Vaidachovičiūtė, I am a second-year New Media Language student at Kaunas University of Technology. I am conducting a research study which aims to compare and analyse the comment sections of two YouTube videos featuring Kanye West: one showcasing his live performance and the other capturing his chaotic presidential rally debut. The goal is to investigate and understand the differing perceptions of Kanye West's public image and behaviour as expressed by viewers in the comment sections. However, to gain a more thorough understanding, I would appreciate your assistance. You can easily contribute by taking a couple of minutes to answer the provided questions. Participation in this survey is completely voluntary, and you may choose to withdraw from it at any time. All answers are confidential and will be used for research purposes only. Once again, thank you.

If you have any questions, please contact me via email: [email protected]

Public Perception of Kanye West
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Please indicate your gender

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Please indicate your age range

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Your country of residence

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Which social media platforms do you use as worldwide information sources on public figures?

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What is your opinion on these points:

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No opinion
Negative comments can tarnish the public figure's reputation and credibility.
YouTube comments are convenient because they provide additional context, information, or insights about the public figure.
The information users comment under YouTube videos is usually not true and people just like trolling.

When you hear a name Kanye West, you firstly think of his...

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What can you say about Kanye's music? (Lyrical innovation, production or performance quality, etc.)

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Which of these Kanye's controversies have you heard about?

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Would you say that American society influences its residents to adopt attitudes similar to Kanye West and support his controversies the most compared to other countries?

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Do you agree that an individual with such divisive personality as Kanye West should not enter the political field?

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In general, to what extent do you consider it acceptable for celebrities or influencers with no political degree to engage in politics?

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Do you believe it is okay to disapprove of Kanye West's behaviour and worldviews but still stream his music or purchase his brand's products?

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