Public Sector Motivation

As part of an academic research on the reality of motivation in the public sector, we kindly ask you to complete this anonymous survey for professional purposes primarily, with our sincere thanks and gratitude.

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In your opinion, is your motivation for better professional performance linked to

Are you satisfied with your current salary?

Do the financial incentives provided to you correspond with the effort expended?

Age group

Marital status



Overall seniority in the public sector

What is your level of motivation?

Is motivation a basic factor for you?

In your opinion, is your motivation for better professional performance linked to

In your opinion, what are the most influential factors in your motivation?

Are you satisfied with the content and nature of your job?

Does your job reflect your aspirations and ambitions?

Do you utilize all your energy and knowledge while performing your work?

Do the incentives you have received meet your expectations?

Are you satisfied with your current salary?

Do the financial incentives provided to you correspond with the effort expended?

Are you satisfied with the social services system provided to you for retirement medical treatment?

Does the administration have a specific rewards system?

Do you provide certificates of recognition and appreciation to outstanding employees?

Have you benefited from a promotion in the administration?

In your opinion, is promotion based on competence and good performance?

Do you perform your job in suitable working conditions?

Do you feel routine and boredom while doing your job?

Does the administration provide you with training and retraining opportunities?

Are you satisfied with the administration's interest in developing your professional skills and competencies?

Have you benefited from vacations for motivational purposes such as training leave, starting a project, or creative permits?

Does your direct supervisor listen to your concerns?

Are your practical abilities known to your direct supervisor?

Are you satisfied with group interactions in the administration regarding adequate respect, trust, and a complete and cooperative team?

Do you believe that the internal communication system within the administration is effective and helps you perform your work efficiently and access information on time?

Do you feel respected and valued by your supervisors in their dealings with you?

Is appreciation and gratitude expressed by supervisors when you perform your work efficiently?

Does your supervisor recognize the efforts you exert?

Are you involved in decisions related to your job?

Are you informed of all decisions that affect your job?

Does the administration take your opinions and suggestions into account?

Does the administration pay significant attention to your ideas and new opinions?

In case of professional errors, are you punished or have deductions made from your salary regardless of your performance and efforts?

Are there moral incentive mechanisms in your administration?

Are you satisfied with your professional performance?

Is your professional performance more affected by

Do you see possibilities and ways to improve your professional performance?

Are you satisfied with the evaluation of your professional performance in terms of production bonuses and annual professional assessment?

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What is related to the development of your professional performance?

Do you believe that your performance level reflects on work results and effectiveness?

Do the results obtained by the administration reflect on your performance level?

Do you feel that you are part of the administrative family and take pride in belonging to it?

Do you spend additional hours at work?

Does the reason for spending extra hours relate to receiving a material or moral compensation?

Do you seek extra hours for financial compensation?

Is there a noticeable recurrence of employee absenteeism and lateness?

Do you think that the absence of administrators and assistants has only objective justifications?

Do you feel that the union works in favor of the administrative assistants and defends their rights?

Are there conflicts and hostile relationships within the administration?

Do you feel frustrated with your job and work environment?

Do you feel frustrated when performing your job?

Are you willing to easily leave your job if you find a better job with a higher salary?

Are you willing to easily leave your job if you find a similar job elsewhere?

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