Public Well-Being

Justinas Kisieliauskas, a PhD student at Vytautas Magnus University, is conducting research on the impact of government spending on public well-being.

The main goal of this questionnaire is to identify the most important:

-dimensions of life and activity that determine public well-being.

Concepts used in the dissertation:

Public Well-Being - objective conditions of life and activity in society, created and maintained by the government (spending) and evaluated through its subjective experience, expressed as subjective well-being, reflected in the indicator of life satisfaction in society.

Conditions of life and activity - these are different dimensions (areas) of life reflecting objective conditions necessary for the successful functioning of individuals and society, divided into economic, political, social, health, and natural environment.

Subjective well-being - this is the degree of life satisfaction among individuals in society in a certain set of conditions.

Economic, political, social, health, and natural environment dimension - this is the totality of indicators reflecting the corresponding condition of life and activity.

Thank you for your time and responses.

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Your age ✪

Please rate how different dimensions (areas) of life and activity influence public well-being, using a 10-point scale. ✪

On a 10-point scale, 1 means the dimension has the least influence, and 10 means the dimension has the greatest influence. Different dimensions can be rated equally.
Economic dimension
Social dimension
Natural environment dimension
Health dimension
Political dimension