9. What present would you like to receive for your birthday?
the rose plant.
anything .. since a gift represents a person's love
an interesting book
organic shampoo: if baking soda is considered organic, i don't know. baking soda [i don't know if the british term is different] 10% solution apple cider vinegar and warm water. mix a couple of spoons of baking soda with warm water in a container that can go in the shower. pour the mixture through your hair, massage it in. rinse. it won't foam and has no real smell, but you can scent it if you choose. do ahead a bit, but warm is nicer than cold: mix the apple cider vinegar with warm water [i use a squeeze bottle] and squirt liberally over your hair, avoiding your eyes. rinse. hair is shiny if it is given to shine, bouncy if given to bounce, but will only stay clean for a day or two. they say once your hair adjusts to this treatment. i only use it from time to time, but it is interesting to do. frees the soul.
thanks for the great info, dog. i owe you big time.
big smiles
nice journey
bike :d now i have it :)~~
a car or a camera
book, big card, surprise, an uninhabited island, diploma of university, a trip abroad, a day surprise.