Quality of hairdresser's service

How many hairdressers do you visit per year?

If your answer to the first question was 1, would you be open to changing your hairdresser?

If your answer to the first question was 1: How long have you been going to the same hairdresser?

    2. How often do you go to the hairdresser?

    What is the average amount of money you spend at the hairdresser each time?

    How important is it for you to find the following aspects at a hairdresser? (1=Not important; 5=Very important)

    What kind of services do you think a hairdresser should offer?

    How much money would you spend at a hairdresser that offers all the services you want?

    Please indicate your gender

    Age category (age group)

    Current situation

    Income level per month

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