Question skipping logic

The question skipping logic (skip logic) in online surveys allows respondents to answer questions based on their previous answers, creating a more personalized and efficient survey experience. By using conditional branching, certain questions can be skipped or shown depending on how the participant responds, ensuring that only relevant questions are presented.

This not only improves the respondent's experience but also increases data quality by reducing irrelevant responses and survey fatigue. Skip logic is particularly useful in complex surveys where different segments of respondents may require different sets of questions.

You can access the question skipping logic feature from your survey question list. This survey example illustrates the use of question skipping logic.

What kind of pet do you have?


  1. rabbit

Does your pet have fur?

Does your pet have fur?

How does your cat behave with strangers?

How does your cat behave with strangers?

Does your cat ask to be petted, or does it just sit next to the stranger?

Does your cat jump on guests' laps?

How long does it usually take for your cat to feel comfortable with a new person?

Does she eventually approach strangers, or does she stay away?

Does your cat continue her usual activities when there are strangers around?

Does your cat spend time with strangers?

Where does your cat usually hide when it feels scared?

How long does your cat stay hidden after a guest arrives?

How does your dog behave when left alone at home?

How does your dog behave when left alone at home?

Where does your dog usually spend time when left alone?

Do you notice any signs that he is waiting for you to come back?

How does your dog behave when you come home?

Does your dog have favorite toys that he plays with alone?

How long does your dog bark or howl when you leave?

Have you tried any measures to reduce his anxiety?

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