Questionnaire for ISM exchange students

We'd like to know your opinion about your semester spent in Lithuania, especially the activities which were organized by ISM. Your opinion is very important for our improvement in the future, so please be honest.

- ISM International Relations

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Gender: ✪

Did student exchange fulfill your initial goals and motivations? ✪

What were the main challenges of your exchange experience? ✪

What were the biggest cultural differences? ✪

Outline any cultural ‘musts’ or tips for future ISM exchange students:

Do you think that the mentors' program is important? ✪

Did you need any help from your mentor? ✪

Was it difficult to communicate with natives? ✪

If yes, why?

Have you made any Lithuanian friends? ✪

Did you have enough after-studies activities organized by the university? ✪

What ISM events have you participated in during your exchange? ✪

Which one was the most memorable for you? ✪

Please, mention the main plusses and minuses about the events which you've participated in (e.g. "Welcome Party" + I've made a lot of friends; - not enough team building games) ✪

What type of after-studies activities should we pay more attention to? ✪

Did you get enough information about the events outside the university? ✪

What areas would be interesting for you? ✪

Please, mention other areas where we should improve in: