Questionnaire for students at Fort Hare University

We are a group of students at Kingston University who are doing a project on the benefits in using IT for learning. We designed this questionnaire in order to find out how IT contributes to your learning and the impact it has. Please tick all the answers that you feel apply to you. Thank you for answering this questionnaire and helping us with our project. *Intranet= the system that your university uses to share information with students.
Questionnaire for students at Fort Hare University

1. If you are not attending all your lectures what is the reason?

f. Other (please state why)


    2. What is your motivation for coming into class?

    f. Other (please state why)

      3. What sort of IT facilities are available at your university?

      d. Other (please state)

        4. How easy is it to get access to a computer at your university?(please tick, 1 being very difficult, 6 being very easy)

        5. What type of IT tools do you use to support your learning at your university?

        6. How would you rate your IT skills and knowledge? (please tick, 1 being very poor, 6 being advanced)

        7. Are you satisfied with the quality of the lectures? Please explain why.


          8. Do you have access to a computer at home?

          9. How do you connect to the internet?

          d. Other (please state)

            10. How do you communicate with your lecturers?

            d. Other (please state)

              11. How often do you use the intranet* that your university are providing?

              12. What sort of information is available on the intranet? (please tick more than one if applicable)

              j. other (please state)

                13. Are you satisfied with the intranet?

                Please explain why


                  14. How can students contact each other?

                  15. What do you think the benefits are of working with international students using IT?


                    16. Would this be something you are interested in doing?

                      Create Your QuestionnaireAnswer this form