Questionnaire - Pineapple Products' analysis

Pineapple is a young enterprise company in FIBS. We are going to produce some innovative products in the nearest future. In order to reach remarkable results, we need to analyse market and consumer behaviour. In other words, we need your opinion about our products, thus, please, help us by filling this survey and do not forget: be HONEST! Thanks in advance.
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

What is your gender ?

How old are you ?

Where are you from ?

Do you study or work?

What is your income?

What kind of chocolate do you usually eat?

How often do you eat chocolate?

What are your first thoughts about the idea of the first aid kit chocolate?

What do you think about the design and the packaging of the product?

Are there any other comments you have for the product?

How much are you willing to pay for a 1 package of Chocolate pills (30 pills, net weight 70g)?

What would be the reason for you to buy Chocolate pills? (more than one answer is possible)

How much are you willing to pay for a Chocolate first aid kit (net weight 450g)?

What would be the reason for you to a Chocolate first aid kit? (more than one answer is possible)

How much money per week do you usually spend on chocolate?

How often do you buy a chocolate?

Where do you buy chocolate?

Do you social-network (facebook, twitter and etc.) ?

Would you buy chocolate by the internet?

Would you like any samples of the product before purchasing it?

Would you buy it without knowing the product, without asking your friends or family if they have tried it?

Would you buy it if there were no commercials, ads or any other kind of advertising?

If you tried our product at some random event, would you purchase it afterwards?

Have you heard about similar products? If yes, where?