Questionnaire - Sports Advertising, Bachelor's Degree

The German Department of the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences at “Babeș-Bolyai” University is conducting a survey. The purpose of this survey is to highlight the role that advertisements play in sports. Your responses will remain confidential and anonymous. Thank you!

1. What types of sports do you prefer? (multiple answers possible)

2. Do you practice sports at a professional level?

9. To what extent do you think advertisements influence the conduct of a sports event?

10. To what extent do you think sponsors influence the activity of a club/team?

12. On a scale from 1 to 5, circle the answer that best fits you (1- To a very large extent….4 - To a very small extent, 5- not at all). To what extent does the media coverage of sports events relate to the influence of sponsors?

13. On a scale from 1 to 5, circle the answer that best fits you (1- To a very large extent….4 - To a very small extent, 5- not at all). To what extent does the media coverage of sports events make the sport more visible to you?

14. On a scale from 1 to 5, circle the answer that best fits you (1- To a very large extent….4 - To a very small extent, 5- not at all). To what extent do sponsors influence the traditions related to the history of a sports club?

15. On a scale from 1 to 5, circle the answer that best fits you (1- To a very large extent….4 - To a very small extent, 5- not at all). To what extent does the tradition of a club matter to you?

16. On a scale from 1 to 5, circle the answer that best fits you (1- To a very large extent….4 - To a very small extent, 5- not at all). To what extent does the tradition of a club matter to an athlete?

8. To what extent do you think advertisements influence the broadcasting of a sports event?

3. Do you have a favorite team or athlete?

4. How often do you watch sports events?

5. Name the main sponsor of your favorite team?

Other option

    6. To what extent do you think the sponsor influences your favorite team?

    7. To what extent do you think the sponsor of your favorite team influences you?

    11. On a scale from 1 to 5, circle the answer that best fits you (1- To a very large extent….4 - To a very small extent, 5- not at all). To what extent does the involvement of sponsors influence the sport?

    Personal data: Gender: o female o male Age: Last completed level of education: Permanent residence: Thank you for your time and interest.

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