Radio Listeners Questionnaire

Dear Friends! I hope you can take the time to answer a few simple questions that will help shape the Sun Radio program in the future.

Thank you in advance
Urmas Salmu

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Your Gender and Age Range

Aged 16-29
Aged 30-45
Aged 46-59
Aged 60 and above


Where do you spend most of your time?

Select from the dropdown menu

I mostly listen to the radio...?

In the car
At work
At home
In the morning
During the day
In the evening

I primarily listen to the radio for

If at all, in Pärnu County I primarily listen to

Please also indicate your first and second preference!

From Sun Radio programs I listen/do not listen

If I do not listen at all, please add a note in the box below.
It's okay!
Morning program "Hommikupäike"
Lunch program "Päevapoolitaja"
1x a month, on Mondays "Spordivari"
1x a month, on Mondays "Sulatusahi"
1x a month, on Mondays "Jaagu Raamaturiiul"
1x a month, on Mondays "Bluesivari"
2x a month, on Tuesdays "Fookuses"
2x a month, on Tuesdays "Tänavate Sümfoonia"
Every Wednesday "Äikeseraadio"
Thursdays "Tund Toomasega"
Every Friday "Küttekontor"
I listen selectively from the podcast

Sun Radio SMS broadcast games

Please add your comment if necessary

I listen to Sun Radio

Indicate one or more sources through which the radio reaches you

Sun Radio could broadcast more

Please specify what kind of content you would expect.

Please rate the importance of local radio

The role of local radio, even if you do not listen!

Sun Radio music selection

In the morning program as a mix
In the afternoon as a mix
In the evening and at night as a mix
Selection of Estonian music
Pop music from the 1980s-1990s
Pop music from 1990 to present
Hard rock and punk