Reasons for choosing sustainable travel

Мы хотели понять, какие факторы влияют на ваш выбор способа путешествия и какие факторы могут повлиять на ваше решение о поездке в первую очередь, понимая мотивы и предпочтения людей при выборе экологически чистых форм путешествий. Пожалуйста, отвечайте на вопросы честно и без страха.

The poll results are public



How often do you travel?

What forms of tourism do you prefer?

What is most important to you when choosing a place to travel?

Do you have an interest in living a lifestyle with minimal environmental impact (e.g. reducing plastic use, eating organically)?

Which marketing channels influence your choice the most?

What factors influence your choice of eco-friendly travel? (Select all that apply)

What types of eco-friendly travel do you prefer? (Select all that apply)

How would you rate your willingness to pay more for sustainable forms of travel?

What additional support measures from travel companies do you value most?

What do you think would increase the popularity of sustainable travel?

What barriers might be preventing you from choosing sustainable travel options?

What changes in your lifestyle would you be willing to make to support sustainable tourism?