Reasons for the Increasing Academization of German School Graduates

The topic of this survey is the increasing academization of German school graduates. The Federal Statistical Office has found that since 2009 the number of students has exceeded the number of trainees ( Thus, according to the Federal Statistical Office, 34,000 training positions remained unfilled in the training year 2012/2013. The consequences are varied: Former vocational professions are increasingly being replaced by study courses, skilled workers are finding it more and more difficult to find a job, and employers prefer to hire graduates. As a result, the wage level is also decreasing, as more and more academics are now performing the jobs of skilled workers.

The aim of the survey is to find out the reasons for the increasing academization of German school graduates and to examine them more closely, as well as to establish a possible dependence between male and female school graduates and to identify trends.

We thank you in advance for your time and effort; your data will of course be treated confidentially and anonymously and will not be passed on to third parties.

1. Gender

2. Age


    3. What type of school did you complete to gain your study admission?

    4. Do you have a completed vocational training?

    5. Why did you decide to study after completing your training? (Multiple answers possible)

    6. What do you estimate your starting salary after graduation to be? (€ per month)


      7. What percentage of people in your circle of acquaintances do you estimate are studying? (in %)


        8. What academic degree will you obtain upon completing your studies?

        9. In which semester are you studying? (1-12)


          10. How long have you been studying? (in years)


            11. How much money do you estimate you invest per semester in your studies? (Rent, tuition fees, fuel costs, materials, etc.)


              12. Do your parents have a completed university degree?

              12 a Father: If yes, in which field? (Humanities, economics, medicine, etc.)


                12 b Mother: If yes, in which field? (Humanities, economics, medicine, etc.)


                  13. For what reasons did you decide to study?


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