I am Jagadeesh Meduru pursuing master’s in management (healthcare) in Klaipeda university. Before you continue with this short online survey, please read carefully the following consent form and click the “BLUE LINK” at the top to indicate that you agree to participate in this data collection effort. It is very important that you understand that your participation in this survey is voluntary and that the information you share is private.

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey about suicide prevention. You were selected to participate in this survey because you are young people, along with other young people across the Klaipeda region, by this research I would suspect that this will be support implementation of reduction of Suicide among young people in Klaipeda region Programs. Your responses to these questions are extremely important in enhancing programs to prevent suicide.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

1. Have you been exposed to any materials on your town or city related to suicide prevention (e.g., brochures, posters, videos, radio messages, orientation materials, etc.)?

2. Have you directly participated in any suicide prevention activities sponsored by your town or city (e.g., gatekeeper training, seminar, workshop, orientation program, etc.)?

please rate your level of confidence in your ability to interact with students about the suicide prevention behaviors described below from not confident to very confident (check one).

Not Confident
Somewhat Confident
Very confident
Don't Know
3. I can recognize the warning signs of suicide in young people.
4. I would ask someone who was exhibiting the warning signs of suicide if they are thinking about suicide.
5. I would connect or refer a younger person at risk for suicide to resources for help (e.g., hotline, counseling, ER, etc.).

Next, we would like to know a little bit about your region and resources available for young people at risk for suicide. Please respond to each of the items using the response options provided that best represents your answer.

6. I am aware of at least one local resource to which I could refer a student who seemed at risk for suicide.

7. If you knew a student that was thinking about suicide, where would you refer him/her? (List up to 2 local resources)

8. My region values the mental health and wellbeing of its young people.

Strongly agree
No opinion
Strongly Agree

9. Do you know where to find the counseling center in your region?

10. Have you ever identified a student who was at risk for suicide?

11. Have you ever referred a young person to a help line or community counseling services?

12. Have you ever provided someone the number to a hotline (e.g., National Suicide Prevention Lifeline)?

13. Have you ever received training in suicide prevention?

14. What is your gender?

15. What is your age?

16. What is your Ethnicity?

Others please specify

17. What is your academic status?