Relationship between SQ, CS, CL

Hello! I am a student from BA (Hons) Business Administration and Management degree program of scope, City University of Hong Kong. I would like to invite you to participate in my research study which aims to collect the data to complete my dissertation about service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and their relation in Hong Kong hotel industry. This survey will take you about only 10 minutes for completion. The information collected will keep it as a private and confidential and it is just only for academic purposes. Please kindly complete this survey based on your own experience. Thank you very much.

Hello! I am a student from the BA (Hons) Business Administration program at City University of Hong Kong SCOPE. I would like to invite you to participate in my research study, which aims to collect data to complete my dissertation regarding service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and their relationship in the hotel industry in Hong Kong. This survey will take about10 minutes to complete. Your personal privacy will be kept confidential and stored in all published and written data analysis results for research. Please fill out according to your own experiences. Thank you very much.

Age 年齡 Are you in the age range of 20-30 years old? 請問您是不是在20歲至30歲這個年齡層?

Have you ever used any service in the Hong Kong hotel industry?


Education Level

Income per month

Times of using any hotel service per year

1. The Hong Kong hotel industry should have the latest equipment and technology.

2. The physical facilities of the hotel industry in Hong Kong are visually appealing.

3. Rooms should be clean. Rooms should be kept clean.

4. Food should be attractive. Food should be attractive.

5. The room should be quiet. The room is quiet.

6. Food should be delivered by a certain time. Food should be delivered at the specified time.

7. When the staff of the institutions promises to do something by a certain time, they should do it. When employees promise to do certain things, they can all accomplish it.

8. The Hong Kong hotel industry can keep customers' records accurate.

9. Charges are accurate. Charges are accurate.

10. When the staff promises to perform certain services, they should provide them. When employees promise to provide certain services, they should be able to provide them to customers.

11. The customer should expect prompt service from employees when the customers need them. Customers can expect employees to provide quick service.

12. The customer who comes to the hotel should expect prompt service from employees of the hotel for the admission operation. Guests should be able to expect timely service from the hotel’s admission staff upon arrival.

13. Employees of the hotel should always be willing to help their customers.

14. Employees of the hotel should explain customer’s question appropriately about any procedure. Hotel staff should appropriately explain customers' questions about any procedures.

15. Keeping customer informed about when services will be performed. Keeping customers informed about when services are performed.

16. Employees can instill confidence in customers. Employees who can instill confidence in customers.

17. Employees are consistently. Employees can always be consistent.

18. Employees have the knowledge to answer customer questions. Employees have the knowledge to answer customer questions.

19. Making customers feel safe in their transactions. Let customers feel safe in their transactions.

20. Convenient business hours.

21. Giving customers personal attention. Providing personal attention to customers.

22. Employees can understand the customer’s needs. Employees who understand the customer's needs.

23. Having the customer’s best interest at heart. Having the customer's best interest at heart.

24. I am satisfied with the service recovery process. I am very satisfied with the service recovery process.

25. I am satisfied with the service response system. I am very satisfied with the service response system.

26. Employees are willing to listen to the customer. Employees are willing to listen to the customer's voice.

27. Employees understand customer needs. Employees understand customer needs.

28. Prices are acceptable compared to other companies like Refuge quarter. The prices are relatively easy to accept compared to other industries (for example: bed and breakfast).

29. Prices are acceptable compared to expected prices.

30. I am satisfied with the value worthy of the price. I am satisfied with this value.

31. I am satisfied with the special discounts. I am satisfied with the special discounts.

32. Overall, Hong Kong hotel industry image is good. Overall, the image of the hotel industry in Hong Kong is still not bad.

33. The image of the Hong Kong hotel industry compared to other companies (e.g., guesthouses) is good.

34. The Hong Kong hotel industry has a good reputation.

35. I received more benefit than I expected. I received more benefits than I expected.

36. Overall, I am satisfied with Hong Kong hotel industry. Overall, I am satisfied with the Hong Kong hotel industry.

37. There are fast and efficient services. There are fast and efficient services.

38. Staffs knowledge and experience are enough. The employees' knowledge and experience are sufficient.

39. I find Hong Kong hotel industry is very reliable. I think the hotel industry in Hong Kong is very reliable.

40. The Hong Kong hotel industry is of high quality.

41. Hong Kong hotel industry is very reliable.

42. As long as I travel to Hong Kong hotel industry, I do not foresee myself switching to other companies. As long as I travel to Hong Kong hotel industry, I do not foresee myself switching to other companies.

43. I will not have resubscription intention. I will not have the intention to re-subscribe.

44. Although there are other companies (Example: guest houses) that provide places to stay, I still like supporting the Hong Kong hotel industry.

45. I am certain the service I receive from Hong Kong hotel industry will be consistent from visit to visit. I am confident that the service I receive from the Hong Kong hotel industry is worth my repeated visits.

46. If the hotel were to raise the price of my stay, I would still continue to be a guest of the hotel. If the hotel raises the price of my accommodation, I will still continue to patronize.

47. If a competing company were to offer a better rate or discount on their services I would not switch also. If competitors offer better services and lower prices, I still would not switch.

48. I consider myself to be a loyal guest of Hong Kong hotel industry. I believe I am a loyal guest of the Hong Kong hotel industry.

49. In the near future, I intend to use Hong Kong hotel industry more often. In the near future, I plan to use the Hong Kong hotel industry more frequently.

50. I would highly recommend the Hong Kong hotel industry to my friends and family.

51. I will come to Hong Kong hotel industry again and again. I will continue to patronize the Hong Kong hotel industry.

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