44. Are you likely to work abroad? If yes, why?

  1. more salary
  2. yes good salary
  3. yes. more salary.
  4. yes. good salary
  5. yes. better pay.
  6. i haven’t decided.
  7. yes, no accommodation.
  8. yes. more benefits.
  9. i haven’t decided.
  10. better terms and conditions
  11. haven't decided yet.
  12. higher salary and benefits
  13. yes, for a better living
  14. yes, for a better salary
  15. yes, for a better salary
  16. no, i love my country.
  17. yes. higher salary abroad.
  18. yes. higher salary abroad.
  19. yes, for further studies.
  20. yes, because of my family.
  21. yes for better pay.
  22. yes. more competitive salary.
  23. yes for adequate health care.
  24. yes. higher salary abroad.
  25. yes, good health facilities.
  26. yes. more pay and benefits.
  27. yes to earn a decent salary
  28. more salary and more opportunity
  29. yes, because of the income rate.
  30. yes, better working conditions.
  31. yes. higher salary and benefits.
  32. yes. conducive working conditions.
  33. yes, more salary and opportunities
  34. yes, better working conditions
  35. yes. more salary and benefits.
  36. yes. better working conditions.
  37. yes, because of financial issues.
  38. yes. better working conditions.
  39. yes. because of better opportunities.
  40. yes. better working conditions abroad
  41. yes, for a better working experience.
  42. yes, because the salary is not sufficient.
  43. yes. because of better working conditions.
  44. yes, because they offer better salaries.
  45. yes, because the living conditions are better.
  46. no
  47. yes
  48. no
  49. yes, because there is equipment to work with.
  50. yes. to upgrade and have better working conditions.
  51. yes, because of better working conditions.
  52. yes
  53. yes, and for a better condition of service.
  54. yes, they have good working conditions and more money.
  55. yes. better health facilities and salary.
  56. yes, to be able to upgrade my nursing skills.
  57. yes. higher salary and working conditions.
  58. yes. health facilities are better abroad.
  59. yes... i would like to work abroad because of a better salary structure.
  60. yes, because the salary is not good in our country.
  61. no
  62. yes. higher salary and better benefit packages.
  63. yes, higher salary and better quality of life abroad.
  64. yes. a higher salary than what i receive here in ghana.
  65. yes. better medical equipment improved salary
  66. yes. my colleagues abroad are paid better.
  67. yes. because of a conducive working environment, availability of equipment, and better salaries.
  68. yes. more opportunities for career development.
  69. no
  70. yes. because the health system abroad works.
  71. yes more salary and opportunities for growth in career development.
  72. no
  73. should the need arise due to the token given to healthcare providers as salary. but i would like to work in ghana if the salary is improved.
  74. yes, because the working conditions are favorable.
  75. yes, because i will be financially secure.
  76. yes, because there are no satisfactory salaries, resources, and equipment here in ghana.
  77. yes. because nurses are paid well abroad.
  78. no
  79. yes, better working conditions and relatively better pay.
  80. not yet
  81. yes, because they are better equipped compared to ghana.
  82. yes, for greater exposure and to further my studies.
  83. no
  84. yes, due to the competitive advantage of working in the health sector.
  85. yes, because there is a flexible schedule and high wages.
  86. yes, because i would want to practice in a variety of health settings.
  87. no
  88. yes good healthcare system enough resources for work good salaries
  89. yes
  90. yes to upgrade my knowledge and experience effective working systems in place.
  91. yes, to improve my personal skills and gain more experience on the job.
  92. yes because i want to advance further and their salaries are much higher than what i earn here.
  93. yes they have enough ppes for work, risk allowances, and a decent salary to survive.
  94. yes to furthermore and gain more skills and knowledge in modern society.
  95. yes. because the conditions related to healthcare jobs are suitable, salaries are well-paid, and there are many facilities and health-related devices.
  96. yes to gain more profit and experience new or different health care systems across the world.
  97. yes, because working conditions, remuneration, staff welfare, and career development opportunities, among others, are better abroad than in ghana.
  98. yes, because in ghana, only salaries are given; there are no working allowances, risk allowances, or housing for nurses.
  99. yes, because it's a different system, and i would love to learn more than what i already know, simply put, to upgrade my knowledge and skills.
  100. yes, i choose to work abroad for various reasons, such as career opportunities, higher salaries, cultural experiences, personal growth, or pursuing specific research or projects.