Scouse dialect

Please, share your opinion about Scouse as a sign of regional identity

  1. Well, where ever you are in the world people know the scouse accent and know you are from Liverpool Uk.
  2. Scouseland is amazing!
  3. It's very good
  4. you can tell instantly that someone is from liverpool no matter were in the world u are from
  5. Scouse in unique people from liverpool are proud of that fact although it may have other ppl and their adverse opinons against them 4 it
  6. ok lar sound
  7. i think that as a regional identity it is unique in england. many people from abroad dont realise that we are english from our accents. im very proud to be scouse because it will always give me an identity where ever i am in the world
  8. It is good as you can create conversation and people look at you as more creative and women consider you more of a lads lad and fun.
  9. love it, liverpool is whaer we come from and scouse is what we are
  10. scouse accent is strongly identifiable. depending on which area of liverpool you come from it can range from slight accent to strong accent