Sendsteps - Time for your voice!

Recently, you used the services of Sendsteps for your meeting or event. Sendsteps strives for a high level of quality. By sharing your experiences, you help us improve that quality. Since Sendsteps wants to hear every voice, we would like to invite you to briefly respond to the following statements. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and ... we look forward to hearing your voice!

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

I am satisfied with ... ✪

Completely agree
Disagree/ Neither agree nor disagree
Completely disagree
Not applicable
The Sendsteps tool
The Sendsteps moderator on site
Support prior to the event
Price/quality ratio

What should Sendsteps as an organization absolutely retain?

What can Sendsteps as an organization improve?

Would you recommend Sendsteps to others?

What is your name?

What is the name of your organization?