Service quality assessment of a hostel

Hey, My name is Violetta, I am studying at Vilnius University and right now I am writing my master thesis. I created this questionnaire for people who visited hostels in Vilnius. The questionnaire provided below is a research instrument for my master thesis. Thank you in advance, sorry for disturbing.

Which hostel did you stay in

What is your occupation?



In which hotel have you stayed

Length of stay

Purpose of your trip

reason for choosing

Country of origin

After visiting hotel in Vilnius please rank the hotel according to your experiences. (perception score) 1 strongly disagree - 7 strongly agree

After visiting hotel in Vilnius please rank the hotel according to your expectations i.e. what you expected hotel to provide (expectation score). 1 strongly disagree - 7 strongly agree

Listed below are the five sets of features pertaining to hotel and the services they offer. We would like to know how much each of these sets of features is important to the customer. Please allocate 100 points among the five sets of features according to how important it is to you. Make sure the points add up to 100. Features Points 1. Physical facilities, equipment and appearance of personnel in the hotel 2. The hotel’s ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately 3. The hotel’s willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. 4. The knowledge and courtesy of the hotel's employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence. 5. The caring individual attention the hotel provides its customers. Total: 100

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