Sexual appeals in ads, Lithuanians versus French

Dear fellow students,

I am currently writing a master's thesis at the University of Vilnius. I research how advertisers use sexual appeals in ads and how it is effective on people (religious and non religious) in Lithuania and France. I would be grateful if you could answer my questions for the survey. This would help international advertisers to know what is norms and acceptable for people in LT and FR.

Survey consists of four parts. In the first part you will be asked 4 questions related to gender, age, nationality and religion affiliation. In the second part you will be asked 8 questions related to ethical positioning. Third part, to measure how committed the person is to his religion. And the fourth part you will see three ads followed by some questions to see your opinion about them.

I am fully confident about the anonymity and confidentiality of the data collected and the fact that they remain not be traced back to an individual person. So, it would be pleased to answer the questions honestly and realistically. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. It will be extremely important in this investigation.

To leave comments, suggestions, criticize or so. You can contact me [email protected]

Kind regards and Merry Christmas!

Houmam Deeb

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

I am:

I am:

My age:

I am:

Indicate whether you agree or not with the following statements according to the response choices in the table below:

1: Strongly disagree, 2: Moderately disagree, 3: Slightly disagree, 4: No opinion, 5: Slightly agree, 6: Moderately agree, 7: Strongly agree
People should be careful that their actions do not intentionally hurt the convictions and feelings of others.
One should not do something that threatens the dignity or well-being of another individual.
Deciding on an action by weighing the positive or negative consequences of it is immoral.
The dignity and well-being of the individual should be the most important concerns of a society.
What is ethical varies from one society to another.
The question of what is moral for everyone cannot be clarified since morality is personal.
Moral standards are merely personal rules that indicate how an individual should behave and cannot be valid for judging the behavior of others.
A lie is judged moral or immoral depending on the circumstances surrounding the action.

Choose what best corresponds to you according to the following choices:

1: Strongly disagree, 2: Moderately disagree, 3: Slightly disagree, 4: No opinion, 5: Slightly agree, 6: Moderately agree, 7: Strongly agree
I contribute financially to my religious organization.
I spend time trying to understand my faith and religious commitment.
Religion is particularly important to me as it answers many of my questions about the meaning of life.
My religion is the basis of my life choices.
My religious beliefs influence my life choices.
I find it important to spend time reflecting and thinking about my religion privately.
I enjoy participating in activities of my religious organization (outside of liturgy).

Indicate whether you agree or not with the following statements according to the response choices in the table below:

1: Strongly disagree, 2: Moderately disagree, 3: Slightly disagree, 4: No opinion, 5: Slightly agree, 6: Moderately agree, 7: Strongly agree
Indicate whether you agree or not with the following statements according to the response choices in the table below:
I do not like this advertisement.
This advertisement attracts me.
The brand inspires positive feelings in me.
I do not like the brand.

Indicate whether you agree or not with the following statements according to the response choices in the table below:

1: Strongly disagree, 2: Moderately disagree, 3: Slightly disagree, 4: No opinion, 5: Slightly agree, 6: Moderately agree, 7: Strongly agree
Indicate whether you agree or not with the following statements according to the response choices in the table below:
I do not like this advertisement.
This advertisement attracts me.
The brand inspires positive feelings in me.
I do not like the brand.

Indicate whether you agree or not with the following statements according to the response choices in the table below:

1: Strongly disagree, 2: Moderately disagree, 3: Slightly disagree, 4: No opinion, 5: Slightly agree, 6: Moderately agree, 7: Strongly agree
Indicate whether you agree or not with the following statements according to the response choices in the table below:
I do not like this advertisement.
This advertisement attracts me.
The brand inspires positive feelings in me.
I do not like the brand.