Small cake "Lilly" - Taste the Rose!

Hello there! A short description of our product:

The FeedWell company offers customers a delicious and unique product. Our basic product is the small “Lilly” cake. It is a small cake with a vanilla sponge filled with jam made of rose petals. On the top of the cake, there is a little rose made of butter-icing vanilla cream. We use vanilla cream as it tastes perfectly with the rose petals filling. These cakes are produced for daily use, just as tasty cakes, which are available in any supermarket. Also, we have a variation of our product (for example, dark chocolate sponge). We produce cakes with other fillings for more specific selling (osmanthus or clover leaves filling).

Our team FeedWell would appreciate it a lot if you take those few minutes to fill in the questionnaire. The results are needed for PLA9, Business plan.

Let us know what you think! :)

Small cake "Lilly" - Taste the Rose!
Questionnaire results are publicly available

Do you think our product "Lilly" looks tasty? ✪

Do you think our product "Lilly" looks tasty?

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What price are you ready to pay for this cake?

Have you ever tried a cake with rose filling?

Are you ready for a new experience in food?