Smart Home Survey - User Requirements Specification

This survey is to collect Smart Home User Requirements Specification in Hong Kong. After the survey is completed, I am going to analyze and evaluate the results of the questionnaire and, according to the survey, design the Smart Home product.

We seek to establish the base levels of knowledge about smart homes and how users conceive of interacting with a smart home given current technologies. There are no right or wrong answers! We currently know very little about the subject, so testing human subjects is vital in developing the future of smart homes. We are not testing an individual’s knowledge and abilities; answers will be used to establish the proper abstractions and parameters to provide in home automation.

In this study, the only information we collect from you is about your life situations. Any identifying information, such as your email address if you would like to participate in future studies, will be separated. Your data will be stored with a unique participant identifier to ensure that we do not inadvertently use a participant twice (thereby tainting the internal validity of the studies with learning effects).

We expect each study to take approximately 15 minutes.

There is no risk associated with this study. There will be no costs for participation. Your participation is voluntary, and you have the right to refuse to participate or withdraw at any time during the study without penalty. We will take all possible measures to ensure your privacy and the confidentiality of the test results. Your participation in the study provides your implicit consent to participate in this study.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

What is your gender?

What is your favorite platform of Smart Home?

What Smart Home system do you prefer?

What is the most important Smart Home system do you think?

Is fingerprint identification a good security for smart home system?

Do you think a personal account of Smart Home System is a good approach and control for the product?

Any other requirements of using Smart Home System are important: