Smartphone Survey

The following survey is intended for Bachelor students of the Fontys International Business School in Venlo who own a smartphone. The focus is on the popularity and frequency distribution of different phone models. We thank you in advance for participating in the survey. All data will be treated confidentially.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Please indicate your gender.

How old are you?

In years

What study program are you enrolled in?

What semester are you currently in?

What is the manufacturer of your smartphone (multiple answers possible)?

How much did your smartphone cost?

In Euros

How satisfied are you with your smartphone?

What activities do you regularly perform with your smartphone (multiple answers possible)?

Which of the activities selected in Question 8 are performed most frequently?

What color is your smartphone?

How important is your smartphone to you? (Not important =1 to Very important =6)

How long do you use your smartphone on average per day?

In minutes

Which apps do you use most frequently on your smartphone (multiple answers possible)?

How many information services do you use as an app?


How useful do you find smartphone apps that support you in your university life?

How much money would you pay for such smartphone apps?

In Euros

How long do you use your smartphone for lecture and study-related activities per day?
