Smartphone tripod

Hello everybody!

We are a group of 2nd year students who founded a mini company and are about to launch a product.

Thinking about what we miss in daily life we came up with the idea to create a unique and universal smartphone tripod which fits devices of any size.

Are you familiar with the situation of being on a trip with your partner but nobody is there to take a picture? Are you annoyed of to close/distorted self-portraits with your friends?

With the help of our product you can take pictures of yourself or with others wherever you desire. The flexible legs of this tripod allow you to fix it anywhere, for instance, on a wall, on fences, around a branch of a tree, or even on vehicles.

Smartphone tripod
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

What is your gender?

How old are you?

What is your nationality?

What is your marital status?

What is your profession?

Do you have a smartphone?

What do you mostly use for taking pictures?

Do you often take self-portraits with your smartphone?

Do you produce videos with your smartphone?

Where do you usually buy camera or phone equipment?

Which colour would you prefer?

Would you be interested in buying this product for yourself? ✪

In case you answered the last question with "No" please state the reason why you wouldnt buy this product


Would you be interested in buying this product as a gift? ✪

What do you like about the product? (Several answers possible) ✪

Would you buy a self made tripod?

How much would you spend for this tripod?

Do you have any ideas or suggestions?