SMEs in Bangladesh and Disruptive Innovation

This survey is conducted for the Project Work

Title of the Project Work: The role of SMEs and entrepreneurship for local development by means of Disruptive innovation








                Do you consider yourself

                How autonomous are you in your professional field?

                In terms of flexibility to decision making, organizing the workflow, and planning, how would you describe your organization?

                In the organization, what type of structure does your organization possess?

                How often does the company take your decisions to implement into company’s practice and planning?

                Does your company maintain external collaboration (i.e. R&D institutes, universities, and suppliers)?

                How often do you use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in your job responsibilities?

                Does your company invest in R&D every year from its revenue?

                For product/process development, do you take feedback from customers?

                What kind of products do you provide to your customers?

                How often do you feel competition against your product from foreign or imported products?

                Does the product that you developed exist in the market?

                Does your product consider local environmental conditions?

                Who are the target customers of your product?

                Do you share any portion of your R&D activities with external partners (i.e., research organizations, universities)?

                What is the minimum qualification of your employees in the product development phase?

                How often do you find it difficult to get information about your customers?

                Do you take any help from vendors for your market research (i.e., product acceptance, customer understanding)?

                How do you manage your R&D activities when you work on a joint venture project?

                Who is the key person for final product commercialization?

                Do you take any ideas outside of the organization for your product development?

                Does your product fulfill the following criteria (you can tick more than one, if applicable)?

                What kind of technology/application do you use to finalize your product?

                Do you require any supplier network? Both nationally and internationally.

                Do you use any customer understanding techniques (i.e., customer visits, network of customers) for marketing your product?

                Does lack of legitimacy help you to develop your new product? Here lack of legitimacy means the phenomenon where large companies/multinational companies (MNCs)/importers do not identify your business/product as legitimate in comparison to their products or services.

                Does lack of visibility affect your decision-making process for new product development? Here lack of visibility means large companies/MNCs/importers do not identify you as a potential new entrant who can be successful in the current market trend.

                Do you provide after-sales service to your customers?

                How often do you face risk in the market for your product against imported products or products produced by large multinationals?

                Do you require any certification (e.g., ISO 9001) for your product commercialization in the local and international markets?

                What is your marketing strategy?

                What kind of technology do you generally adopt for your product commercialization?

                What is the nature of feedback from your customers on your product?

                Is your product accepted by the customer on the basis of (you can tick more than one option)?

                Are you currently exporting any of your products to foreign markets?

                Create Your QuestionnaireAnswer this form