Smoking Behavior of Students

Thank you for participating in the survey. As part of our studies, we need to conduct the following survey regarding the smoking behavior of students at the Fontys International Business School in Venlo for a project - SPSS, then evaluate and ultimately interpret it.

The survey only takes a few minutes, please answer the following questions:

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Please choose your gender.

What is your study course?

Are you satisfied with your current situation regarding your smoking behavior?

In which semester are you currently?

How old are you?

Please answer in Years

What is your nationality?

Do you smoke?

If you tick “No” you are not the relevant audience. However, thank you so much for your help.

For how many years do you smoke?

How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?

How satisfied are you with the cigarette offers around the campus in Venlo?

Are there periods where you smoke more? (multiple answers are possible)

How much money do you spend on smoking per month?

What is your overall impression of the smoking areas at Fontys?

What is your main reason for smoking on a scale from 1 to 5? (1= not relevant at all 5= very relevant)

Stress reduction
Peer pressure
Bad habit

Which kind of cigarettes do you prefer?

Which smoking spot do you use at the campus and how often? (multiple answers are possible)

Not so often
Very often
Front of W3
Front of Mensa
Main entrance
Inner courtyard
Outside of Fontys area

Choose your favorite brand. (multiple answers are possible)