Social Media Use and Mental Health

We are the first-year students at Vilnius University, Business Information Management and we are conducting research on social media use and its impact on mental health. With this research, we would like to find out the social media's usage frequency and its impact on mental health. ​We assure you that this survey is anonymous, and the results of the survey will only be used for academic purposes. It will only take couple of minutes to answer it. Please, answer these questions based on your personal experience. Thank you. 

Mes esame Vilniaus universiteto, Verslo informacijos vadybos pirmo kurso studentės ir atliekame socialinių tinklų naudojimo ir jo įtakos psichinei sveikatai tyrimus. Šiuo tyrimu norėtume išsiaiškinti socialinių tinklų naudojimo dažnumą bei jų įtaką psichinei sveikatai. Užtikriname, kad ši apklausa yra anoniminė, o apklausos rezultatai bus naudojami tik akademiniams tikslams. Atsakyti į apklausoje pateiktus klausimus užtruks vos kelias minutes. Atsakant į pateiktus klausimus, prašome, remtis asmenine patirtimi. Ačiū.

This poll is inactive

How old are you?

What is your gender?

Are you aware of Internet's effect on mental health?

How frequent do you check your phone for notifications?

How much time do you spend on social media each day?

How often do you use your phone when you spend time with your friends / family?

Do you check your phone right after waking up?

Does spending time on social media distract you when you need to be productive?

How many selfies do you take during the week?

Do you pay attention to the amount of people that like / view your posts?

Have you ever been cyberbullies in any way through the Internet?

Do you post things on social media just for likes?

Do you feel less confident about yourself when your posts / pictures get less likes than others?

Do you feel like you are a different person on the Internet?

If yes, do you feel like you can not be yourself on the Internet because people would not like you?

Do you think the Internet has a positive or negative effect on your mental health?

Do you think the Internet has impacted your mental health?

If yes, in what ways has it affected you?

Other (please, specify) / Kita (patikslinkite)


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