Social/Policy Labs at Higher education institutions


We - Prof. Katri Liis Lepik and Dr. Audrone Urmanaviciene (Tallinn University) are conducting research in the framework of COST ACTION 18236 "Multi Disciplinary Innovation for Social Change" about Social/Policy Labs (hereafter- Labs)  at Higher education institutions (hereafter- HEIs) and COVID crisis. The aim is to reveal how COVID 19 affected Labs' activities and impact creation. 

We would like kindly ask you to answer this online survey. Thank you for your time and cooperation!

Kind regards,

Prof. Katri Liis Lepik and Dr. Audrone Urmanaviciene

School of Governance, Law and Society, Tallinn University


1. Which of the following sectors does your lab work in?

2. In which country your lab is working?

  1. india
  2. poland
  3. finland
  4. romania
  5. the netherlands
  6. finland
  7. albania
  8. republic of moldova
  9. slovenia
  10. serbia

3. How long has your lab worked?

4. To which type of HEIs your lab belong?

Other, please describe:

  1. research institution
  2. company (called grünhof)
  3. private
  4. higher engineering school

5. How has COVID-19 impacted your organization’s activities? Please explain it:

  1. the activities have moved to online space due to restrictions.
  2. distance and (partly hybrid) learning and rdi activities. travel restrictions (for more than a year).
  3. work from home
  4. it has affected activities in terms of timing, less so in content. this means we have to postpone things because there are no in-person meetings, and online meetings are not always effective when innovation and decisions are required. networking is very difficult with this pandemic.
  5. the shift of the main informative/awareness-raising activities to online mode decreased participation. there were difficulties in attracting attention and motivation.
  6. we no longer have direct contact.
  7. we switched to online teaching.
  8. everything has stopped.
  9. we had to digitalize our activities, but apart from that, we received a lot of support from our funding partners (postcode lottery, heidehof foundation) and grew faster than ever!
  10. bad, very bad, closed, not moving, everything online.

6. How has COVID19 affected your organization's human resources in the time of COVID crisis?

7. How has COVID19 affected your organizational processes in the time of COVID crisis?

8. How has COVID-19 impacted the way in which you organized communication?

9. How your lab contributed to solving COVID19 crisis?

Other, please describe here:

  1. not directly, but the pandemic situation affected the stakeholders and the effects of the lab.
  2. n/a

10. To which extent has COVID affected the innovation projects you work on at your lab?

11. How much has COVID-19 situation affected receiving grants and other types of funding?

12. How easy was it for your organization to adapt to the changes due to COVID-19?

13. How much has COVID19 negatively impacted the projects on which you are working?

14. How much negative impact COVID-19 has generated on creating your social impact?

15. How much positive impact COVID-19 has generated on creating your social impact?

16. How much change did digital tools bring to trying to generate social impact during COVID-19?

17. To which extent has your collaboration with partners been affected by COVID 19?

18. To which extent has your lab been supported by any organizations during COVID 19?

19. Has your organization been supported by the following during COVID 19?

Other, please describe here:

  1. no additional funding due to covid-19
  2. we have not received any additional support or grants for covid-19.
  3. commercial contracts
  4. no
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