Social worker's help for victims of trafficking in women in the Netherlands and Lithuania


I am a fourth year social work student from Vilnius University of Lithuania. Now I am doing a research which purpose is to find out social work student’s knowledge of social help possibilities for victims of women trafficking in Holland and Lithuania. The same questionnaire will be given to Lithuanian students to compare the results. Please in all questions note answers which are suitable for you. This poll is anonymous. The data collected will be used only for the generalized presentation of the results.

Your opinion is very important! Thank you!

Yours faithfully,

Neringa Kuklytė, e-mail: [email protected]


Questionnaire results are available only to the author

1. In your opinion, what are the most important social problems in the Netherlands? Not more than three answers, please

3. In your opinion, what are the main reasons for trafficking in women? Not more than three answers, please

4. In your opinion, what are the main consequences that victims of women trafficking experience? Not more than three answers are possible

2. How much knowledge during your study period did you gain about trafficking in women? (in your lectures, courses)

5. In your opinion, how many girls/women went abroad from Holland over the last 10 years under the circumstances listed below? In each row for one answer, please

Very many
I don't know
Left voluntarily (knew what kind of job they would have)
Trafficked by fraud (by offering other jobs)
Trafficked by force to work as prostitutes

6. During your study period, did you learn what assistance a social worker has to provide for victims of women trafficking?

7. If you knew that a person you know is trafficked for prostitution, where would you look for help? Not more than three answers, please

8. In your opinion, what kind of social support services do trafficked women receive in Holland? Multiple answers are possible

9. In your opinion, when is social support more effective?

Explain your choice, please

10. In your opinion, what are the most important competencies of a social worker working with the victims of women trafficking? In each row choose one answer, please

Totally agree
I don't know
Ability to keep in touch with the families of the victims
Ability to build trust with victims and involve them to participate fully in the help process
Creativity in unexpected situations
To identify the main problem(s) of the victims
Ability to plan and implement the help process based on a woman’s strengths
Ability to assess a victim’s strengths and limitations
To mediate between all organizations and professionals
To empower victims by helping to develop their self-sufficiency skills

11. In your opinion, what are the most important principles of a social worker working with victims of trafficking in women? In each row choose one answer, please

Totally agree
I don't know
Patience in working with victims
Respect victims’ wishes in the provision of social services
Belief in victims’ abilities to solve their problems
Accept victims as they are - with all their strengths and weaknesses
Readiness to work not by the foreseen schedule

12. In your opinion, what are the most important partners of a social worker in the help process for the victims of women trafficking? Not more than three answers, please

13. What kind and how often are social services provided by a social worker for victims of women trafficking in your country? In each row please choose one answer

Directs to a psychologist because victims often have problems with alcohol/drugs
Directs to a psychologist, because often victims have problems with family members
Organizes the documents required to get a state-paid lawyer
Helps to organize needed documents to finish secondary school
Helps victims to arrange personal documents (passport, birth certificate)
Arranges victims' compulsory health insurance
Helps to find a job
Helps to organize a possibility for victims to volunteer in different NGOs
Directs to the doctor because often victims have health problems
Organizes victims' catering
Directs to the Rights of the Child protection center, because often victims have problems with child care
Organizes educational courses
Directs to the police, because often victims have legal problems
Accompanies victims to the trial
Gives relevant information
Accompanies victims to the doctor
Finds temporary housing for the victim
Helps to manage the documentation required to obtain social benefits

Please, choose 5 of the most important social services for victims of women trafficking provided by a social worker in your country.

14. Would you, as a social worker, like to work with victims of women trafficking in the future?

Explain your choice, please

15. You are:

16. Your age: