Socialization of Turība Graduates in the Workplace

Socialization in the workplace is an emotional, adaptive process during which new employees are imparted skills and experiences that are considered sufficiently valuable, effective, and correct ways of problem-solving at that particular job. The aim of this pilot study is to understand whether Turība graduates easily adapt to the new work environment and whether the knowledge gained in higher education is sufficient for effective socialization. Please answer the following questions, which will take literally 2 minutes, no more. Thank you in advance.

Socialization of Turība Graduates in the Workplace

1. Was it easy for you to find a job after graduating from Turība and obtaining your diploma?

2. Have you found a job in your field?

Please choose your area of work!

4. Did the theoretical knowledge gained during your studies make you feel confident in yourself and your abilities, facilitating the socialization process in the workplace?

5. Has the experience gained from mandatory study internships been sufficient upon entering work and facilitated the socialization process?

6. Did the professional skills and knowledge acquired during studies and internships facilitate the socialization process in the workplace?

7. During your studies, did you meet your current business partner, colleague, or gain professional contacts?

8. How would you rate all your benefits from studying at Turība overall?

9. Would you recommend your relatives and acquaintances to study at Turība, as the knowledge, professional skills, and experience gained help in job searches and facilitate socialization in a new workplace?

10. Your gender

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