Socio Economic evaluation of the effects of the shutdown of Ignalina nuclear power plant (Lithuania)

The answers to these questions are to be used in a masters degree Dissertation on the Likely Socio Economic effects of the proposed Decommissioning and new reactor at Ignalina. The study is being undertaken by a student from Liverpool John Moores University (UK), in conjunction with Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Results are publicly available





You want to see nuclear power in Lithuania

You are happy to see nuclear power used anywhere in the world

Nuclear power is a necessary and reliable method of power production at a time of increasing prices

You feel that energy prices are at an acceptable level at this moment in time

You are aware that Lithuania currently produces 10% of its energy by ‘renewable technologies`

Sustainable or green electrical production can replace the deficit from Ignalina once closed

The Lithuanian economy will suffer due to the shutdown of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)

How do you believe energy prices will react as a result of Ignalina closing in 2009?

If you indicated a change, by how much (%) ?

You are happy to pay a higher price for electricity if it is not produced by Nuclear Power

You accept that it is necessary for the proposed new plant to be partly privatised.

What effect do you believe the closure of Ignalina will have on the you?

The main reason the reactor is being shut down is

If Other, please Write

You feel that the planning system in Lithuania caters for society as a whole

The current Planning system in Lithuania is far more beneficial to the nation

than that used under the former USSR sphere of influence.


If the EU closes the Ignalina plant with no replacement to be built for several years

you feel joining the EU will have still been a good decision for Lithuania.