Starpoint Solutions Healthcare IT Networking Event

Thank you for showing interest in attending our first Starpoint HealthCare IT Networking Event!

We would like to host a networking event in New York City sometime in November exclusively for the members in this Starpoint Healthcare LinkedIn group!

Please answer the following questions so we can put your name on our invite list.

Hope to see you soon!

What Is Your First Name?

  1. jane
  2. venkat
  3. happiness
  4. tamilarasi
  5. andre
  6. sondra
  7. irene
  8. arlene

What Is Your Last Name?

  1. ahum
  2. lord
  3. sahu
  4. sundaravadivel
  5. hicks
  6. hill-ward
  7. ross
  8. cobeo

What Is Your Email Address?

  1. jane910@gmail
  2. [email protected]
  3. A
  4. [email protected]
  5. [email protected]
  6. [email protected]
  7. [email protected]
  8. [email protected]

In What City Do You Reside?

  1. india
  2. chennai
  3. A
  4. coimbatore
  5. new york
  6. bessemer
  7. iselin
  8. teaneck

What Company Do You Currently Work For?

  1. varsha
  2. infosys
  3. A
  4. unemployed
  5. first match it services, it
  6. medfirst
  7. starpoint solutions
  8. unemployed

What Is Your Position/Title?

  1. employee
  2. engineer
  3. A
  4. homemaker
  5. ceo founder
  6. consultant
  7. technical recruiter
  8. professional trainer

How Long Have You Been In The Healthcare IT Industry?

  1. not long
  2. 0
  3. A
  4. never
  5. 4 years
  6. 3 years
  7. 2 years
  8. 1.5 years

Please List Any Topics You Would Like To Discuss At This Event?

  1. na
  2. A
  3. no idea
  4. opportunities for minority-owned companies.
  5. build orientation communication i have a concern about the low pay.
  6. healthcare it state
  7. upcoming epic projects in the nyc or nj area

Please Note Any Questions, Comments or Concerns?

  1. na
  2. A
  3. not interested in it.
  4. i have a concern about the low pay that consultants are offered compared to what was previously offered, which attracted a different type of consultant. standards have been lowered.
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