Structure of LKP Lublin - MONTHLY REPORT

We operate for a cause

PROJEKTOR is changing for the better the future of many children living in rural areas and those from smaller towns. The students participating in the Program reach out to them, share their knowledge, provide positive role models, and encourage development through their own example. In one sentence – Your student passion, your talent, and your interests become a source of children's joy. “PROJEKTOR - student volunteering” is a space for creative action, a place where you can transform your energy and interests into creative educational projects.

Structure of LKP Lublin - MONTHLY REPORT

First name:

  1. patrycja
  2. patrycja
  3. dagmara
  4. patrycja
  5. dagmara
  6. patrycja
  7. wnoghxmyow
  8. dominik
  9. dfgaerdfg

Last name

  1. burak
  2. burak
  3. ironman
  4. burak
  5. ironman
  6. burak
  7. qqopasas
  8. wasilewski
  9. dgadrfg

Number of volunteers recruited:

  1. 1
  2. 1
  3. 0
  4. 17
  5. 0
  6. 4
  7. xojjujxkr
  8. 5
  9. rgre

Area covered:


What promotional activities did you conduct?

  1. lack
  2. lack
  3. lack
  4. promotional campaign at the high school of management and administration in zamość
  5. in the class where the tostring() method of the object class is overridden, it is automatically called when an object is placed in the print() method. the statements print(somebiginteger) and print(somebiginteger.tostring()) are equivalent. i also intended to write about this someday in the effective programming section (overriding the hashcode, equals, and tostring methods to create more universal code).
  6. i set up a booth for the student volunteer organization projektor, walked around with flyers, and distributed them to students, and hung up posters in the faculty of law and administration at umcs.
  7. argvbnnmadfzsgvhn reagvreabs
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