Students' payment habits questionnaire

Online questionnaire arranged to collect general information about respondents. Thus, questionnaire assists in generating more opportunities to elicit precise factors about payment preferences.

Students' payment habits questionnaire
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

1. What is your gender? ✪

2. What is your age? ✪

3. What is your education degree? ✪

4. Do you have a debit card? ✪

5. How often do you use debit card? ✪

If your response is YES in the 4th question, please answer the following questions

6. How satisfied are you with the debit card usage terms? ✪

7. How important to you are the following aspects? ✪

Please rank your options to the questions with scale 1- 5 (5 being the highest)
Quality of a service
Bank image
Speed of transaction
Price for card usage

8. What should banks improve in order to encourage people to use debit cards? ✪

Please write your opinion according to following question:

9. Is there anything else that you think is relevant to students' payment choices and was not asked in the survey? ✪

Please write your opinion according to following questions: