Students questionnaire/ Opiskelijakysely/ Küsitlus

Your suggestions and comments - what was difficult, what did you like/ Ehdotuksia ja kommentteja - missä oli kehitettävää ja mistä pidit/ Teie pakkumised ja kommentaarid - mis oli raske, mis meeldis

  1. It would be better if pages and imported elements loaded at most one second. Three seconds is way too much for a student to use. Sadly those who could greatly benefit will be turned away by this. I know it's very hard to accomplish, but it would add a lot of value to this project.
  2. translation could be better.
  3. I like all this project
  4. In my opinion design of this program is beautiful but I think it might be better. Overall I like this program and I think it has a big potential in future. I hope to use it and get more expierence with 3D objects.
  5. Layout a\should be made more simple
  6. The technical part of the website was at a high standard, but if I had to suggest an improvement, i'd recommend improving the user interface so that the user experience smoother and more intuitive.
  7. Very good, like
  8. Suggestion- More modern design and easier to find the posibilities to do
  9. I love this site! I think it our future and there is absolutely no need for teacher in 21. century because we have this one. Excelent. I am proud about you.
  10. nice job