study habits research tool .SYPBBsc ,'A'group

Dear participants,

The purpose of this study is to assess the knowledge and attitude of the students about study habits. This study is been conducted by second year Post Basic Bsc students research group 'A'. 


You can click on the answers you choose.Do not write your name on the questionnaire. Your responses will be anonymous and will never be link to you personally.

Thank you for your participation and coorperation. 

Questionnaire results are publicly available



1.Do you read the lesson taught daily?

2.Do you refer different authors' books while studying?

3.How many times do you read something to remember it?

4.Do you use different techniques to increase your memory capacities?

5.Do you focus on the teacher's teaching while in the classroom?

6.Do you concentrate fully on a topic while studying?

7.Do you get distracted while studying?

8.Can you focus on one topic?

9.Do you prefer to concentrate on a topic of your choice?

10.Do you take time to concentrate on what you do not like?

11.Do the ups and downs affect your study concentration?

12.Do you prefer to sit in one place and study?

13.Do you like a particular environment to gain more concentration?

14.Do you communicate with others while studying in a group?

15.Do you feel shy while communicating with teachers?

16.Do you interact with other group members while doing group study?

17.Do you feel any difficulty with your communication skills?

18.Do you refer to different languages while communicating?

19.Do you feel confident while communicating with others?

20.Do you start studying well in advance before exams?

21.As the exams draw closer, does your stress level increase?

22.Do your study habits affect your results?

23.Do you seek help from others for test preparations?

24.Do you prefer to study with others?

25.How often do you establish study habits?

26.Do you study according to the schedule you create?

27.When you are writing disorganized, do you highlight the main points?

28.Can you complete the exam paper on time?

29.Are you using any methods to improve your writing skills?

30.Is your handwriting legible to others?

31.Do your writing skills affect your results?

32.Do you manage your time well while studying?

33.Do you face any obstacles while managing your time?

34.Do you study according to your time management?

35.According to your time management, are your tasks completed or not?

36.Do you use a timetable while studying?

37.Is time management beneficial for exams?

38.Do you seek help from others for studying during exams?

39.Do you use the library for studying?

40.Do you refer to newspapers for study purposes?