Study of London's rental housing market

Hello, I am a student from Vilnius Gedimas technical university. This survey is important for my final master work. I would be very grateful if you could share your opinion in this questionnaire. Thank you in advance!!!

Study of London's rental housing market

Your gender:

Your marital status:

Do you have children?

What is your age?

What is the level of your education?

Other option

    Where do you currently live?

    What are the main reasons that you live at the rented property?

    Other option

      Do you consider availability to buy your own home?

      What would be the main reason if you decide to buy property?

      Other option

        What kind of property would you like to buy?

        How many square meters would you like to buy?

        What is your family's monthly income?

        What do you want to be credited with the purchased part of the property?

        Your opinion about real estate prices in the near future:

        Is the country's economic stability an important factor when buying property?

        Would family income growth encourage you to buy property?

        Do you think that the legal framework in the United Kingdom is conducive to the lessor?

        Other option

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