Subject: Questionnaire for the Office Director

Dear Office Director,

Thank you for your time and cooperation in the research conducted by De Krachtcentrale. With your help, we gain more insight into the event industry.

If the questionnaire is not clear, please click on the link below:



Best regards,

On behalf of De Krachtcentrale,

Jess Meijboom

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

1. What type of company do you work for in the event marketing industry?

2. What is your gender?

3. What is your age?

4. How large is the company you work for?

5. How many men work at your company?

6. How many men work part-time?

7. What is the position of these part-time male employees?

8. How many men work full-time?

9. What is the position of these full-time male employees?

10. How many women work at your company?

11. How many women work part-time?

12. How many women work full-time?

13. What is the position of these full-time female employees?

14. What is the position of these part-time female employees?

15. What is the composition of the management?