Survey about games

For you who play games or have children who play games.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Gender? ✪

Age? ✪

Do you like to play games? ✪

On which platform do you play? (More than one answer possible) ✪

On average, how many hours do you play games per week? ✪

How do you find new games? (More than one answer possible) ✪

What do you find most important in games? (More than one answer possible) ✪

What types of games do you play? (More than one answer possible) ✪

How do you prefer to play games? ✪

Do you have children who are 15 or younger? ✪

If you have children of the age 15 or younger, which of the following statements can you relate to? ✪

How do you find new games for your child/children? (More than one answer possible) ✪

Which of the following statements can you relate to the most when playing games? ✪