Survey about purchasing toothpaste

We are Vilnius University students. This survey is about consumer purchasing behavior. We will be gaining your thoughts and opinions in order to understand consumer behavior while purchasing toothpaste. This survey should take around 3 minutes to complete. Be assured that all answers you provide will be kept in strictest confidentiality and will be used for Essentials of Marketing Research project.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Did you purchase toothpaste in the last 3 months for your personal use?

How often do you purchase toothpaste?

Where do you prefer to buy toothpaste?

When you purchase toothpaste how many packages do you usually buy?

How much do you usually spend on the toothpaste?

Using 10 point scale (1-very unimportant, 10- very important) please evaluate criteria about purchasing toothpaste for your personal use

1 (very unimportant)2345678910 (very important)
Brand name
Toothpaste that has teeth whitening feature
Toothpaste that has features created for sensitive teeth
Country, where toothpaste had been made

Using 10 point scale (1-very unimportant, 10- very important) please evaluate criteria about factors that encourage you personally to buy toothpaste.

1 (very unimportant)2345678910 (very important)
Opportunity to save money (discounts, receiving an additional amount of toothpaste)
Recommendations and information gained from doctors, friends or family members
Part of a price of toothpaste is used for donation, research sponsorships etc.

Using 10 point scale (1-very unimportant, 10- very important) please evaluate criteria about the packaging features.

1 (very unimportant)2345678910 (very important)
Color of a package
Size of a package
Material of a package
Environmentally- friendly package
Collapse time of a package

Please select your gender:

Please select your age group:

Please select your income per month: