

I am a fourth-year student at the University of Manchester majoring in Japanese studies. In order to conduct my graduation research on the realities of non-regular employment in Japanese society, I would like to ask for your cooperation in this survey. The information you provide in this survey will be used solely for academic purposes, and the statistical data compiled afterward will not be used for any purposes other than the aims of the survey. Thank you very much for understanding the purpose and for your cooperation in answering despite your busy schedule.

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Age ✪

Gender ✪

Final Educational Background ✪

Current Occupation ✪

Have you ever worked as a non-regular employee, such as part-time, temporary, or contracted worker? ✪

Is there anyone in your family who falls under the category of non-regular employees mentioned above? ✪

Do you have any friends who fall under the category of non-regular employees mentioned above? ✪

Unmarried women working as non-regular employees in their 20s to 30s ✪

I would like to ask about your image of non-regular employees. Please choose the option that you think best fits your impression from the choices provided for questions 8-12.

Married women working as non-regular employees ✪

Unmarried men working as non-regular employees in their 20s to 30s ✪

Unmarried or divorced men over 40 working as non-regular employees ✪

Married men over 40 working as non-regular employees ✪

Do you agree with non-regular employment in Japan? ✪

Please select the appropriate option.

Please feel free to express your opinions or thoughts regarding non-regular employment.

Thank you for your cooperation.